Cast of Characters

This blog will require a little bit of effort on the reader to piece together the entire Landfare story. However, let me give you a concise cast of characters and their role in this saga. Additionally, I have changed the names of the innocent, simply victims of circumstance, or otherwise folks who we’re just trying to do the right thing. I have denoted those in this category with the tag “pseudonym”.

BubbaDuck: That’s me. I am the homeowner in this story. I hired Landfare to revamp my landscape in October of 2015.

Carol (pseudonym): She is a third party landscape designer that I hired and designed the project. She is very talented, has worked with other of my neighbors, my architect, and the previous owner of my current home. She is wonderful to work with and has very high standards and expectations.

Johnathan (John) Spayde: John is the owner of Landfare, Highland-Palermo, and a partner at Blu Pools.

Zach Miller: Zach is the general manager of Landfare, the owner of Blu Pools, and partner at Highland-Palermo.

Doug (pseudonym): Doug either managed, part owned, or was a partner in Blu Pools. His involvement is unclear. However, it is curious that Blu Pools LLC was dissolved in July of 2017.

Josh (pseudonym): A “Construction Director” on Landfare’s payroll.

Gerald (pseudonym): Landfare’s masonry sub of choice to this day. He’s exceptionally loud (we woke up many mornings hearing his musing on everything from NASCAR to politics), makes a total mess of your yard, single handedly destroyed the new fence Landfare had just installed, and in general seems to have somewhere else to be.

Kevin (pseudonym): Masonry sub brought in by Carol to salvage the patio and some other masonry.